1960s Era

Fashion: During the 60’s, had many different types of styles and trends. The fashion in this era was all about bright colors, tie- dyes, heels, etc. Women were showing a lot of skin, having long hair. But for every day there’s was a different look for different times. Daytime look had a more sophisticated look that consisted of bulbous hat, silhouettes with deep armholes an wide sleeves, and a rounded jacket. In the evening they wore dresses, blouses with long skirts. Also the trend women had was puffy hairstyles, but sleek/shiny. It was an era that was opposite from everything.

Image result for 1960s fashion    Related image                      Image result for 1960s fashion hatsRelated image  Related image

Cars: This was the golden age of amazing cars. It was the year for cars being more modern and popular. Women were able to buy and drive cars.  Throughout the sixties, the styles of cars changed by changing the look of the seats, models have been improved with front-wheels that pulled the car itself, and it was the beginning of electric cars when Ford made a model with batteries. There were different types of cars with different actions like mustangs, muscle cars, etc. Four popular cars of the sixties were… Ford Mustang,  Chevy Camaro, Plymouth Road Runner, and the Volkswagen Bus.

Image result for 1960s cars chevy camaro Image result for 1960s cars ford mustang

Related image  Image result for 1960s cars volkswagen bus

Interiors: The interiors of the sixties, was similar to the fashion trends and styles, with bright colors and different shapes/ sizes of furniture. People spent a lot of money on their homes to show a person personality of them self by the way you design your home. Interiors had a lot of bold/ bright color palettes, patterns and floral prints, wallpaper, geometric shaped furniture, mainly the sixties home were very fun and inviting with a lot of character.

Image result for 1960s interiors Image result for 1960s interiors  Related image           Related image

Color Palette:  




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